Crankshaft Documentation#

Welcome! This is the official documentation page for the Crankshaft project, a flow control library that focuses on event-driven development to assist you in your datapack development journey.

If you ever feel lost or would like to learn more, be sure to join our ReaperMC discord server or alternatively ask around on the Beet discord server!




Crankshaft significantly accelerates your development process, enabling you to create working prototypes in no time while also maintaining simpler and more readable code for bigger projects!

Here’s a small demo comparison for running commands on minecraft:load.

from crankshaft:api import event

def load():
    tellraw @a "Hello, World!"
merge function_tag minecraft:load {"values": ["demo:load"]}

function demo:load:
    tellraw @a "Hello, World!"

And a demo comparison that gives you a diamond every time you join.

from crankshaft:api import event

def player_join():
    tellraw @s {"text": "A diamond for you!", "color": "aqua"}
    give @s diamond
merge function_tag minecraft:load {"values": ["demo:load"]}
merge function_tag minecraft:tick {"values": ["demo:tick"]}

function demo:load:
    scoreboard objectives add demo_join_tracker custom:leave_game

function demo:tick:
    as @a at @s:
        function demo:player_tick

function demo:player_tick:
    if score @s demo_join_tracker matches 1..:
        scoreboard players set @s demo_join_tracker 0
        function demo:greet

function demo:greet:
    tellraw @s {"text": "A diamond for you!", "color": "aqua"}
    give @s diamond